Senior Coordinator (Engagement), SensiLab
A creative technology research laboratory whose work ‘explores the untapped potential of technology, its impacts on society and the possibilities it presents’.
The work SensiLab is carrying out at Monash University (Naarm/Melbourne) is an invaluable link between culture, arts and emerging technologies. In my role as the inaugural Senior Coordinator, Engagement I was responsible for developing and delivering activities and programs that built on-going conversations about technology, its social impact, and ethical implications with diverse audiences.
During my time in this role I developed the group’s first engagement strategy. To realise this strategy I delivered a unique program of activities that not only engaged key audience demographics, but also enabled vital industry engagement. This opened up new research and collaboration opportunities for work in creative technologies, interactive media and media art.
Highlights during this role include:
Developing networks and relationships
A challenge (and opportunity) was that the research group's academics all came from different backgrounds, tended to have their own ways of working, and hadn't worked with a public engagement professional before. I worked closely with them to understand their attitudes and approaches, as well as their strengths and expectations, in order to deliver activities that opened them up to new ways of thinking.
I used this approach to bring the academics on board and to build successful and sustainable relationships with the creative sector, including collaborations with Experimenta, Grumpy Sailor, ACMI, Ars Electronica, and many others. One collaboration that opened up further relationships was Big Earth Listening for MPavilion. Part science experiment, part art project, it turned the sounds of the earth around the 2018 pavilion into an immersive listening and virtual reality experience. It also provided a well respected, central Melbourne location for the lab to connect with people and organisations - many of whom subsequently became collaborators.

Developing community-led research and engagement
The Inclusive Technologies research group had previously been a part of the SensiLab team, but were in the process of growing into their own research group. Highly connected to the communities they aimed to serve, the group continues to carry out high impact research that can change the lives of those who identify as disabled. I worked with the group to embed community engagement activities into their regular work.
This enabled more in-depth two way engagement that influenced perceptions of disability, and ensured the disability community informed the way research is carried out. This ensures it continues to have meaningful impact. Activities such carrying out research as public engagement for National Science Week, and delivering fully inclusive maker workshops, promoted vitally important conversations and helped to change perceptions of disability.